Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Story Pyxis

Two things happened today-- both small, both insignificant.

One was that I realized that I didn't like my blogspot name.  When I originally made it, the title fit the purpose of the blog.  Today it stared at me, wagging its misnomer face at me, begging me to end its existence.  I did so and began a new a blog.

The other thing that occured today was that I learned a new word-- pyxis.  I found in that word the very idea that I wanted for my blog.  A pyxis is a cylidrically-shaped container, usually pottery, that Greek women used to store cosmetics, trinkets, or jewellery.  It usually had a lid with a knob in the center.  I imagined a little box for little trinkets.

From this idea springs my blog, The Story Pyxis.  Here I'll store the little trinkets of my mind, and perhaps the odd, real jewel.  And you'll be able to see them, sift through them, and enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. I love that name, and the thought of your stories as little trinkets and jewels. Thanks for sharing them!
