Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Friend Outside

I know you can't "snap out of it"
Some days, can't even fight.
I know you're trapped inside that pit,
Devoid of love or light.

I know you hate that spirit scar
That mars who you could be
Oh, how I wish that you could see
Who I can see you are.

Depression traps the soul within,
One cannot help oneself.
So let me love you, darling, when
You cannot love yourself.

And though it is outside I stand,
I hope I'm breaking through.
I want to say, I'm here for you.
Just reach . . . . . . . . . . . and take my hand.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Saddest Words

The saddest words you'll hear me say
Are "Once upon a time . . ."
Once upon a time we laughed,
Were friends once, for a time.
And now this constant, empty chime,
Rings, "Once.  Upon.  A time."

And only one phrase sadder still,
Can form a deeper sigh.
The only thing to batter more
And haunt, an endless cry . . .
The thing that sours each good-bye . . .
Is always, simply,


Thursday, July 9, 2015

Love Never Lost

"Love wins" you say.
I say "Love never lost."
PRIDE won.
And what will be the cost?

More jaunty cheers across the years?
More bullies?           Tears?
       More hatred?
More angry peers with cutting jeers?

And whilst you stand victorious, tall,
Do not forget:
What always comes
Before a

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Big and Small

And once in a while when I hold her hand,
(or she holds mine)
and I understand . . .
how very BIG my small hands are,
how BIG my feelings
all abuzz.
Yes, BIGger far
than what I was before.
Am I shedding what I was?
Or am I becoming more?

Friday, January 16, 2015

Little One

Little one, I saw your face,
Your heart and veins like living lace,
Each part of you in proper place,

I felt my heart could burst.

Oh, little one, your tiny feet,
Your baby hands, so small, petite,
 They waved at me, a meet-and-greet,

I felt my heart could burst.

My little one, what can I say?
I’ll hold you in my arms one day.
But, until then, we’ll bond this way.

My heart will “hold” you first.